
ugh. Morning.

I began this morning with a cherry-blossom scented walk and filled my ears with The Best of the Left podcast (which always gets me riled up, dismayed at humanity, and angry to be american). Then I get to work, convincing myself that some kind of brisk commitment to the rearrangement of irrelevant data will have an industrious and fulfilling impact on me and I get an email from my mom sharing information about an upcoming retreat. A Grief and Loss Retreat.

This opportunity got a reaction from me very much like the poignant and brilliant Meghan O'Rourke article from the New Yorker did a few weeks ago: it made me immediately panic and weep. Of course, Pandora couldn't stay out of the fray and dropped in

which is also a weep-inducing song though here I tried to include a slightly more upbeat version than the more spare version from Once.
(This is actually a very good representation of how I typically think and operate all day at work. Sounds discombobulating and crazy-making, right?)

So, I'm thinking that since the chance to heal makes me cry and cry, I should probably do it, right?

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