
taking a que from Bets: things stirring personal excitement

> Not to highlight my lushiness but...a new bar is coming. Chris is hard at work, revamping the old monsoon room space: it is becoming 1022 So. Or ten twenty two south with possible early spring opening! Thank freaking god I may be able to get a decent cocktail in this town for under $10 again!

> Two words: Battlestar Galactica. Not into the fact that it's "final episodes" but man, now the only scifi show that makes me cry and cry is Torchwood and I am totally alone in my love for that show so I need my community back! Its a very lonely experience crying over the death of a member of torchwood while I watch it in my bedroom, wearing headphones, on my laptop. Really, Torchwood deserves a more public presence! I am not ashamed!

> Naked Lady Party! Jan 17th! My house! It's only fer girls though; not that kind of naked lady party.

> Read 2 Me now officially has 700 tutors! Consider giving back and sign up to tutor in honor of Martin Luther King Jr! We only need 368 more!! Thank you to the precious, shining few who are already volunteering!

>Interns! I get two! I just have to find things for them to do!

I guess things aren't quite as gray and insular as I have been feeling that they are. Perhaps this silly exercise makes some sort of positive-thinking difference. blag.

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